Uplifting Blog

Customer Service

Customer Service is Always Evolving and Your Organization Needs to Evolve with It

Customer service is not what it used to be. Customers expect more all the time. And other organizations are stepping up to meet and exceed ...

Win More Sales and More Profits by Creating More Value

Can you win more repeat customers without having the BEST product? You might be surprised by the answer! Service is taking action to create value ...

How to Create an Organization Employees LOVE

Much of the focus on service is from the standpoint of “How can we better serve the customer?” But as a leader, an equally important ...

Get THIS Right and Win More Repeat Customers

You know that a stellar customer experience is essential to growing brand reputation and customer loyalty. But the “customer experience” is much bigger than most ...

Avoid These 3 Business Pitfalls NOW

Have you ever raised a service issue and heard “Sorry, that’s not my job” or “Oh, but it’s not my fault!” Have you ever said ...

How to Create a Culture That’s Built for Success

Your organization’s service culture will make or break your reputation in your industry. But how do you go about building a strong service culture?

The #1 Mindset for Successful Business Leaders

When people think of service, they most often think of serving the customer. But I learned early on that there’s SO much more to it ...

Is Your Organization Focused on the Partnerships that Matter?

A lot of the conversations about customer service focus on the service provider. But the service landscape has evolved. It’s no longer enough to think ...

Service Matters Because WELL-BEING Matters

Today is World Teachers' Day! Let's celebrate with some stories about how teachers change lives. Here's mine. :-)

Your Vote Helps Us Reach More People and Change More Lives

I’m feeling very grateful to be connected to YOU, and for the impact our Uplifting Community has on the world! 🌏

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Ron Kaufman
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How to Succeed
with Service

A Free Video Series for Leaders,
Managers, and CEOs

Discover how to differentiate your brand, improve financial performance,
and transform your service culture by delivering more value to everyone
you serve.

How to Succeed with Service?

A FREE video series for leaders, managers, and CEOs

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We’ll send you free resources, education, and ideas for creating positive change in the world.

Welcome to the Worldwide Uplifting Community!

Here’s what’s next…

Check your email for the welcome we just sent – and reply to let us know you received it!

We’ve included some useful resources 
for you to explore…

…and we’ll be in touch to share more ideas 
and invitations for you.